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Mozambique: Drought MDRMZ024

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The 2023-2024 El Niño has been one of the strongest on record, bringing below-average rainfall between October 2023 and February 2024 in southern and central Mozambique, and average to above average rainfall to the northern part of the country. Prior to the current El Niño, 2.7 million people living in the drought-affected areas of Mozambique were categorized at food insecurity level IPC3+, and this number is expected to increase as conditions deteriorate. Through this Emergency Appeal, IFRC and its membership seek CHF 6 million (CHF 5 million of which is expected to be raised by the IFRC Secretariat) to support the Mozambican Red Cross (Cruz Vermelha de Moçambique - CVM) to reach 55,000 people (11,000 households) across Tete, Manica and Gaza with direct support. Please donate now!

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